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The establishment of quality assurance system in higher education is a global concern now. There is a growing demand for Quality Assurance (QA) mechanisms at national, regional and global levels. Over the years, it is observed that there is an increase in the number of HE institutions and increased involvement of external stakeholders through changes in governance structures. The higher education institutions around the world have been introduced to quality assurance system internally with formal institutional approach and documentation. This has been done with the establishment of quality assurance agencies like accreditation bodies at the national level. The integration of Quality Assurance principles into higher education is also a matter of concern in Pakistan.

Quality Enhancement Cell at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Karachi is taking deliberate steps to bring about continual improvement in the effectiveness of the learning experience of students. In Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) there is greater emphasis on Internal QA and the encouragement of an institutional “Quality Culture.”

Mohammad Ali Jinnah University has always been in the forefront for accepting and adapting best practices in the field of Education. Recognizing the role that it has to play in higher education sector, Mohammad Ali Jinnah University has established a Quality Enhancement Cell. This cell has the responsibility to ensure that the university’s quality assurance procedures are compatible with international standards and are designed to improve the quality of higher education.

At Mohammad Ali Jinnah University we believe, that quality enhancement and assurance is a collective responsibility and that it is the professionalism and creativity of staff, individually, that makes the most vital contribution to the enhancement of provision, through their attention to their students’ experience as learners, to the development of their disciplines, and their engagement with their teaching practice.
