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ORIC at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University has been able to reach a number of milestones in this regards; some of which are as under,

  1. Following start-ups have been established at the ‘MAJU technology incubation center’
    • AKS IQ
    • Lambda Theta
    • Gene Janch Center
    • MATZ

These startups are in developmental stage and are financially sustainable. These startups are developing products related to Bio-Technology, Engineering and IT for Pharma, Banking and different fields. These startups are contributing significantly to the national exchequer.

These startups have provided job opportunities to the graduates of MAJU and other universities. Currently these startups are incubated in the MAJU incubation center. ORIC is striving to establish more startups in the MAJU incubation center.

  1. In 2017, names of following two MAJU faculty members are included in Productive Scientists of Pakistan (PSP) directory of Pakistan Council of Science & Technology, Islamabad.
    • Prof. Dr. M. Kamran Azim (Dept. of Biosciences)
    • Dr. Kashif Ishaque (Dept. of Electrical Engg.)
  2. Research Highlights
Research Productivity in numbers
Research papers in Impact Factor journals Research papers in Indexed journals Research conference presentations Ph.D. / M.Phil. produced Research Projects Books and chapter in books authored Final Year Projects Conferences and Workshops organized
22 44 62 8 6 6 367 10
