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Psychology is the need of today’s world. Ranging from clinical, industrial, educational to forensic; psychology can be seen working in all domains and fields. Today the need of Psychology is felt and recognized in every domain where human is working or linked. Psychologists have been working in all departments. Psychology, an essential area of learning, encompasses the many aspects of the human mind and subsequent behaviour. The accurate understanding of these promotes good health and establishes a society which is self-aware, resilient, and better able to maintain healthy relationships. Department of Psychology caters all necessary needs of students related to the field of Psychology. Our program BS-Psychology offers a wide range of specializations. The four-year program focuses on the intricacies of individual differences, and the cultural significance of psychological theories, practices and therapy. Since Psychology is a field that has struggled to be recognized as a science within Pakistan, the launching of this program will aid in furthering our society towards mental and emotional wellbeing.

The three specializations within the program, namely Clinical Psychology, Educational Psychology, and Industrial and Organizational Psychology, have been offered after careful consideration of the requirements of prospective students. Within Pakistan the importance of all three disciplines is now being recognized as the graduates of these three streams will provide a support to growing demand of psychologists in various domains like hospitals, academia, organizations, armed forces and public sector organizations.

Clinical Psychology aims to understand and resolve complex human problems. Everything from assessing, identifying and treating mental, emotional and behavioural disorders is included within this domain of Psychology. Clinical psychologists are able to help individuals improve their mental health by practicing a wide range of therapeutic techniques, including but not limited to; cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), cognitive analytic therapy (CAT), psychodynamic therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). A Bachelor’s with the specialization of Clinical Psychology will serve as a pre-requisite for a Masters in the same, leading to the fulfilment of the requirement of becoming a Clinical Psychologist in Pakistan.

The field of Educational Psychology focuses on understanding the social, cognitive and emotional processes involved in teaching and learning. Professionals within this field work to improve teaching methods and modes of instruction to achieve learning outcomes more effectively. Learning disorders form the core of Educational Psychology, as the challenges associated with these disorders are recognized and overcome. Educational psychologists use specific forms of therapy to manage disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and dyslexia. Students with this specialization can become school counsellors or use their specific skillset to enhance their teaching methods with the full understanding of individual students and the classroom. Another avenue that a major in Educational Psychology can peruse is Special Education, a field which is among the most neglected within Pakistan.

Industrial and Organization Psychology are fields within Psychology which are dedicated to understanding and effectively managing employment and relationships between individuals working together. Within the Bachelor’s in Psychology program at MAJU, these two similar subfields are merged together to teach both the processes relating to employee abilities, performance management, job analysis and research, as well as, the interpersonal relationships at work, motivation, leadership and group dynamics. The value of Industrial and Organizational Psychologists is slowly growing in Pakistan and many multi-national companies, telecom companies, banks and businesses are now employing psychologists with this area of expertise to oversee human resource processes and employee interactions.

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Junaid Ahmed

BS Electronic Engineering, 2010[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”415904″ img_size=”large” alignment=”right”][/vc_column][/vc_row]