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Mohammad Ali Jinnah University has a Government Charter as a comprehensive institution, authorized to award earned or honorary degrees at all levels, from Associate to Doctorate, in all disciplines. All degree programs offered at MAJU are recognized by HEC (The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan) and all its Engineering Degrees are recognized by PEC (The Pakistan Engineering Council).

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The infrastructure of the department is pivotal to its vision of multi-disciplinary education and research. It comprises state of the art and well equipped teaching and research laboratories, lecture halls and faculty offices. A degree in Mechanical Engineering gives knowledge and skills to be involved in the design, development and manufacturing of products, machines and mechanical engineering systems, including engines and turbines, land transport vehicles, ships, aircrafts, building services (air conditioning, pumps, fans), refrigeration systems, manufacturing processes and industrial plants. The phenomenal growth observed in automobile and aerospace industry, in recent past, is primarily based on the advancement of Mechanical Engineering knowledge.

We offer students an excellent educational experience designed to sharpen their talents and skills through a cutting-edge coursework. The key characteristics of our program are its breadth, flexibility and individuality which allow students to build knowledge across the discipline while concentrating on a particular specialization areas. The department offers a 4-year BS degree in Mechanical Engineering along with MS and PhD in Mechanical Engineering and a MS degree in Engineering Management with different specializations in all graduate programs. As mechanical engineering is closely intertwined with the industry and business, these programs are aimed to provide opportunities to create industrial linkages and act as a bridge for flow of the cross-disciplinary knowledge among all departments.

Department of Mechanical Engineering is actively following the Outcome Based Education (OBE) system and the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Capital University of Science & Technology is accredited by Pakistan Engineering Council under Level-II, i.e. under the Washington Accord with worldwide recognition.

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The Department of Civil Engineering is devoted to ensure the best learning of its students. The department is an arena of experienced highly qualified faculty who teach the updated courses under Outcome Based Education system (OBE) supported by well-established laboratories. The laboratories, developed in a short time, are furnished with extremely delicate, high-precision, heavy duty industrial equipment, for example, European make 20,000 kN Servo-Hydraulic Machine (UTM), 50 feet long heavy-section Flow Channel, Italian make 50 kN tension/compression Triaxial machine etc. Although the standards achieved so far are incomparable at the national level, the avidity for excellence is not over yet, the department is still on its course to compete with well-renowned international institutes.

Department of Civil Engineering is actively following the Outcome Based Education (OBE) system and the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering at Capital University of Science & Technology is accredited by Pakistan Engineering Council under Level-II, i.e. under the Washington Accord with worldwide recognition.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]