[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1666769372637{padding-top: 30px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”COURSE OBJECTIVES” use_theme_fonts=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1666769363953{margin-top: 0px !important;}”][vc_column_text]
• To learn basic concepts and system of forces.
• To enable students to understand relationship of physical processes, kinetics and kinematics.
• To develop skills to use the basic principles of mechanics in engineering applications.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLO)” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
CLO: 1. to define and explain principles of engineering mechanics (i.e. statics and dynamics) related to civil engineering domain.
CLO: 2. to solve problems of statics and dynamics related to civil engineering domain using principles of engineering mechanics.
CLO: 3. to discuss and clarify concepts of principles of engineering mechanics (i.e. statics and dynamics) for different simple situations.
CLO: 4. to prepare free body diagrams of real case phenomenon considering engineering mechanics point of view.
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”COURSE CONTENTS” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1666769345865{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

  1. Basic Concepts
    • Concepts of space, time, mass, velocity, acceleration and force
    • Scalar and vector quantities
    • Newton’s law of motion
    • Law of gravitation
  2. System of Forces
    • Resultant and resolution of co-planer forces using parallelogram, triangle & polygon law and funicular polygon
    • Simple cases of resultant and resolution of forces in space
    • Conditions of equilibrium of co-planar forces, analytical and graphical formulations
  3. Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies
    • Free body concept, conditions of support and attachment to other bodies
    • Support reactions under different types of loading
    • Introduction to shear force and bending moment diagrams
    • Degree of restraint and static determinacy
    • Statically determinate problems especially of civil engineering importance, equilibrium of two-force and three-force bodies
  4. Kinematics
    • Rectilinear motion
    • Curvilinear motion
    • Newton’s equation of motion
    • Dynamic equilibrium
    • Introduction to practical use of the above principles and properties
  5. Rigid Bodies
    • Geometrical properties of plane areas
    • First moment of area, centroid, second moment of area, principal axes, polar second moment of area and radius of gyration
  6. Friction
    • Friction and related terms
    • Coulomb’s theory of friction
    • Problems involving friction on flat and curved surfaces
  7. Kinetics
    • Force and acceleration
    • Work and energy
    • Impulse and momentum
    • Introduction to practical use of the above principles and properties
