[vc_row el_class=”inner-body-content mt-0″ css=”.vc_custom_1666002915736{margin-top: 40px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]For all Undergraduate programs i.e., (BBA/BS), the admission test shall comprise of the following components:

Part – I
Time Allowed: 20 Minutes Marks: 20
Essay Writing
Part – II
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Time Allowed: 100 Minutes Marks: 100
A: Verbal Reasoning 50 MCQ’s
A1: Analogy 10
A2: Synonym 10
A3: Antonym 5
A4: Sentence Completion 15
A5: Comprehension 10
B: Quantitative Reasoning 50 MCQ’s
B1: Arithmetic 15
B2: Algebra and functions 10
B3: Geometry 10
B4: Equations 10
B5: Statistics 5

For all Graduate Programs i.e., (MBA/MS), the admission test shall comprise of the following components:

Part – I
Time Allowed: 20 Minutes Marks: 20
Essay Writing
Part – II
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Time Allowed: 100 Minutes Marks: 100
A: Verbal Reasoning 40 MCQ’s
A1: Analogy 5
A2: Synonym 5
A3: Antonym 5
A4: Sentence Completion 15
A5: Comprehension 10
B: Quantitative Reasoning 40 MCQ’s
B1: Arithmetic 15
B2: Algebra and functions 10
B3: Geometry 5
B4: Equations 5
B5: Statistics 5
C: Analytical Reasoning 20 MCQ’s
C1: Scenario Based/Mental Mathematics 20
